实用器官移植电子杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (5): 279-282.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2014.05.004

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175 例小儿肝移植门静脉重建技术的单中心经验总结


  1. 天津市第一中心医院器官移植中心,天津 300192
  • 出版日期:2014-09-20 发布日期:2021-05-09
  • 基金资助:

Portal vein reconstruction in 175 cases of pediatric liver transplantation:a single center experience

  • Online:2014-09-20 Published:2021-05-09


目的 对不同门静脉重建方式预防小儿肝移植术后门静脉血栓及狭窄的经验进行总结。方法 2006 年 9 月至 2014 年 3 月本院单中心对 175 例终末期肝病患儿实施了肝移植手术。受者年龄4.5 个月~ 12 岁,平均(16.16±19.77)个月。对受者术后进行 1 ~ 93 个月随访并收集数据,统计分析受体1、3、5 年生存率、术后门静脉血管并发症的发生比例、手术方式等相关因素。结果 175 例患儿中 126 例采取供体门静脉与受体门静脉左右支分叉部静脉片吻合,2 例采取供体门静脉与受体脾静脉与肠系膜上静脉汇合部吻合,5 例采取受体髂静脉血管搭桥术,术后均未出现门静脉狭窄,肝功能恢复良好 ;42 例采取供受体门静脉端端吻合,出现门静脉血栓形成 2 例(1.14%),其中亲属活体肝移植 1 例,劈离式肝移植 1 例,经皮经肝门静脉球囊扩张术后治愈。其他并发症包括肝动脉闭塞 5 例(2.9%),术后胆漏 5 例(2.9%),术后肠漏 3 例(1.7%),急性排斥反应 7 例(4.0%),胆道并发症 9 例(5.1%),机会性感染 115 例(65.7%)。随访 1 ~ 93 个月,175 例患儿中死亡 14 例,7 例为多器官功能衰竭,6 例为严重肺感染,1 例死于肝动脉 破裂出血。总体 5 年生存率为 93.1%3 年生存率为 94.7%1 年生存率为 95.5%。结论 小儿肝移植术中 根据供受体门静脉直径匹配程度及长度情况选取适当门静脉重建方式具备可行性,对于预防肝移植术后门静脉狭窄及血栓形成具有重要作用。



Objective To summarize the variety of portal vein reconstruction to prevent portal veinthrombosis and stenosis in pediatric liver transplant recipients. Methods From September 2006 to March 2013,we performed 175 livertransplantations for children with end-stage liver diseases. Recipients were from 4.5 months to 12 years old,average16.16±19.77)months. The recipients were followed up from 1 to 93 months and data were collected. 1,3 and 5-year survival rate,incidence of postoperative complications of portal vein,surgical techniqueand other relevant factors were analyzed. Results Of the 175 patients,donor portal vein to recipient portal vein branch bifurcation vein segment anastomosis were performed in 126 cases,donor portal vein to recipient confluenceof superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein in 2 cases,and donor iliac vein bypass grafts were used in 5 cases.

Postoperative portal vein stenosis were not observed,and liver function recovered well. Among 42 patients underwent end-to-end portal vein anastomosis2 cases suffered portal vein thrombosis1.14%),one with living donor liver transplantation and the other with split liver transplantation,which were successfully treated with percutaneoustranshepatic portal vein angioplasty. Other complications included hepatic artery occlusion in 5 cases2.9%),bileleakage in 5 cases2.9%),postoperative intestinal leakage in 3 cases1.7%),acute rejection in 7 cases4.0%),biliary complications in 9 patients5.1%),and opportunistic infections in 115 cases65.7%). Among 175 cases of pediatric recipients with follow-up from 1 to 93 months patients14 cases died,with 7 cases of multiple organ failure6 cases of severe lung infection,one case of hepatic arterial bleeding. The overall 1,3,5-year survival rates were95.5%94.7%,and 93.1% respectively. Conclusion Selection of appropriate way of portal vein reconstructionaccording to matching donor and recipient portal vein diameter and length is feasible and plays an important role on the prevention of pediatric liver transplantation portal vein stenosis and thrombosis.