实用器官移植电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1): 42-44.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2020.01.009

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  1. 天津市第一中心医院药学部,天津 300192
  • 出版日期:2020-01-20 发布日期:2021-06-22

Analysis of nutritional risk screening and nutritional support therapy in patients with liver transplantation

Xie Xiaoshuai,Li Xue,Zhang Fengying,Mu Dianping.

  1. TianJin First Central Hospital,Tianjin 300192,China
  • Online:2020-01-20 Published:2021-06-22


目的 评估肝胆外科肝移植状态患者在住院期间的营养状况及其营养支持治疗的现状。 方法 收集 200 例肝胆外科 2019 年 1—3 月的住院患者资料,其中肝移植状态患者 23 例,采用指南推荐 的 NRS 2002 评分法对 200 例患者入院及出院时的营养状况进行评估。结果 200 例肝胆外科住院患者中, 有 53 例(26.5%)入院时存在营养不良风险,肝移植状态患者有 10 例(10/23),其中 4 例未给予营养支持治疗, 6 例给予营养治疗的患者中有 3 例疗程不足。出院时再评价 200 例患者中仍有 24 例(12.0%)患者存在营 养不良风险,其中肝移植状态患者 6 例(6/23)。结论 在肝移植状态的患者中,存在营养不良风险的比例 较非肝移植患者高,肝移植状态患者的营养治疗较为复杂,临床需要准确判断患者营养的适应证,以助改 善患者预后。



Objective To assess the nutritional status of patients with liver transplantation during hospitalization and to analyze their nutritional support programs. Methods A total number of 23 hospitalized patients with liver transplantation from January to March in 2019 were collected,their nutritional status was evaluated by using the NRS 2002 scoring method recommended by the guidelines. Results There were 53 cases(26.5%)of malnutrition risk in 200 patients,There were 10 cases(10/23)of liver transplantation recipients. Of these,4 cases were not given nutritional support,of the 6 patients who were given nutritional support,3 had inadequate treatment. A number of 31 cases(15.5%)of patients were still at risk of malnutrition at the time of discharge,6 cases(6/23) were patients with liver transplantation status. Conclusion In patients with liver transplantation,there is a higher risk of malnutrition. Clinicians need to accurately judge the indications of nutritional support therapy for patients in order to improve the prognosis of patients.

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