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Current Issue

2016 4, No.6 Date of publication: 20 November 2016

Yuan Xing, Katherine Xie, Manwan Chan, Hevin Poon, Maggie Wang, Shusen Wang, Merigeng Qi, Yong Wang

2016, (6): 334-340. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2016.06.003

Thisreview discusses severalmicrofluidic devices developedat theUniversity of Illinois at Chicago(UIC)usedforstudying the physiology andpathophysiology ofhumanisletsandtheir applicationsinthehuman islet transplantationprocess.Thereview firstintroduceskey issues foundin the field ofpancreaticislet transplantation asaclinical therapyforTypeI diabetes. Itthenreviewsmicrofluidictechnologiesthatcanbeused toaddress thosekey issues, theuniquefeaturesassociatedwitheachmicrofluidicdevice, and theapplicationof each.Additionally,the reviewalsobrieflydiscussesthe design andfabricationprinciples of UICmicrofluidicdevices.

2016, (6): 374-377. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2016.06.013

Objective Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Percutaneous portal vein puncture andonyx glue for the closure of transhepatic puncture tracts in islet cell transplantation patients. Methods Between June 2015 and June 2016, 5 percutaneous transhepatic accesses were closed using percutaneous Onyx glue in islet cell transplantation patients under fluoroscopy. To observation the complications of bleeding and infection,Postoperatively. Results In islet cell transplantation patients percutaneous portal vein puncture success rate was 100%. The portal venous pressure was 6 -15 mmHg〔(9.40±3.91)mmHg1mmHg 0.133 kPa〕before islet cell transplantation. The portal venous pressure was 6-15 mmHg〔(10.20±4.44)mmHg after transplantation. The portal vein pressure showed no statistically significant differences before and after transplantation(P 0.05). Intraoperative and postoperative follow-up showed no treatment-related complication. Conclusion Percutaneous portal vein puncture and onyx glue application are effective and safe technique for the closure of transhepatic accesses in islet cell transplantation patients.

2016, (6): 378-380.

Objective To explore the effectiveness of the omentum islet transplantationprocedure. Methods Two patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM)were transplanted with islet isolatedby laparoscopic approach,resorbable plasma-thrombin as the biologic scaffold in this procedure. Results Tworecipients recovered smoothly after islet transplantation,the level of blood glucose was stable,the level of C- peptidewas significantly higher than pre-transplantation,and the hemoglobin A1c level was decreased 2 month after islet transplantation. Conclusions Islet transplantation is currently one of the promising methods of treatment of T1DM, we transplanted islets to the greater omentum, and the result showed that the procedure of omentum biological scaffold

islet transplantation for T1DM patients provided a feasible technique route.