实用器官移植电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (6): 358-360.

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肝移植术后肺部真菌感染 11 例临床分析


  1. 目的 探讨肝移植术后肺部真菌感染的临床特点、诊断及治疗措施。方法 回顾性分析了74 例 2013 年 10 月至 2014 年 10 月在郑州人民医院肝移植术后出现肺部真菌感染的 11 例患者的临床资料,采取个体化的治疗和管理,并对临床数据进行总结分析。结果 74 例肝移植病例中,肺部真菌感染受者占 14.9%11/74)。11 例肝移植术后肺部真菌感染患者中,8 例治愈,治愈率为 72.7% 3 例死亡,病死率为 27.3%。结论 肝移植术后肺部真菌感染的患者均无典型的临床特点,容易干扰临床诊断,应引起肝移植中心医师的足够重视,尽早鉴定菌种并根据药敏试验使用敏感抗菌药物是成功救治肝移植术后肺部真菌感染的关键。

  • 出版日期:2015-11-20 发布日期:2021-06-28

Clinical analysis of 11 cases with pulmonary fungal infection after liver transplantation

  1. Objective To investigate clinical feature,diagnosis,and treatment of pulmonary fungalinfection after liver transplantation. Methods This is a retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 11 patients who underwent pulmonary fungal infections after liver transplantation from October 2013 to October 2014 in ZhengzhouPeople's Hospital. The patients appeared to take individualized treatment and management,and the clinical datawere analyzed. Results Among the 74 cases of liver transplantation patients which affected by pulmonary fungal infection accounted for 14.9%11/74). Among 11 cases of pulmonary fungal infection after liver transplantationpatients,eight patients were cured,the cure rate was 72.7%. A total of 3 patients died,and the mortality rate was nclusion Patients with pulmonary fungal infection after liver transplantation showed no typical clinical features,which was easy to interfere the clinical diagnosis. For patients with suspected pulmonary fungal infection sputum(and)blood culture should be done as soon as possible to identify species of fungal,and using drugs in accordance with sensitive antimicrobial susceptibility test is the key to the successful treatment of pulmonary fungal infections in patients underwent liver transplantation.

  • Online:2015-11-20 Published:2021-06-28