实用器官移植电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (5): 464-469.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2023.05.014

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  1. 中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所),实验血液学国家重点实验室,国家血液系统疾病临床医学研究中心,细胞生态海河实验室,天津医学健康研究院,天津 300020

  • 出版日期:2023-09-20 发布日期:2023-09-20
  • 基金资助:




Establishment of blood biobank

Han Xingxing, Ma Yige, Liang Zhao, Li Yue, Xia Shuang, Li Lei, Qi Shilin, Li Changhong, Zheng Xuetong, Song Zhen, Cheng Tao, Ma Shihui.    

  1. Institute of Hematology & Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology,National Clinical Research Center for Blood Diseases, Haihe Laboratory of Cell Ecosystem,Tianjin Institutes of Health Science,Tianjin 300020, China. 

  • Online:2023-09-20 Published:2023-09-20


目的 探讨建立设施完备、信息互通的规范化血液系统疾病样本采集、存储、管理、服务体系,实现全方位血液系统活细胞及相关血液成分的规范化保藏,为临床研究及转化应用提供资源保障。方法 血液系统疾病生物样本库集收集处理、质量控制、基因分析、功能鉴定于一体,另设有独立的存储区,具有与临床诊疗数据、组学信息联通的一体化信息管理系统,以保藏血液系统疾病骨髓活细胞为特色,建立规范化样本接收、处理、存储及使用流程,定期进行质控检测,完善共享机制及运营模式。结果 血液样本资源库已保藏血液系统活细胞等各类样本共计超 40 万份,实现全部临床诊疗科室与疾病类型的样本全覆盖,并建立疾病来源 iPSC 七百余株。随机抽取新鲜和冻存样本 6 例,质量检测全部合格,为所院高质量科研产出提供样本支持。结论 通过全流程管控实现血液病理活细胞及相关组分的规范化收集、制备、存储和使用,建成以整合生物样本、临床诊疗数据、生物信息学等生物医学信息与资源为一体的“干湿”结合升级版生物样本库。 


生物样本库 , 血液系统疾病 , 活细胞 , 规范化


Objective To explore the establishment of standardized samples collection, storage,management and service system with complete facilities and information exchange for blood diseases, so as to achieve the standardized storage of a full range of hematological living cells and related blood components, and to provide resources for clinical research and transformation application. Methods The blood biobank was integrated with collection and processing, quality control, gene analysis and function identification, and has an independent storage area. It also has an integrated information management system connected with clinical diagnosis, treatment data and omics information. Characterized by the preservation of bone marrow living cells for blood diseases, standardized samplecollection, processing, storage and use procedures are established, and regular quality control testing is carried out. A comprehensive sharing mechanism and operational model was established. Results The blood biobank has stored a total of more than 400000 samples of hematological living cells and other related blood components, which has achieved full coverage of samples for all clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease types, and it has established more than 700 strains of disease derived iPSC. Six fresh and frozen samples, were randomly selected,and all of them were qualified, providing sample support for the high-quality scientific research output of the institute. Conclusion Standardized collection,preparation, storage and use of hematologic pathological living cells and related components can be achieved through the whole process control, an upgraded version of physical and virtual integration biobank that integrates biological samples,clinical diagnosis and treatment data, bioinformatics and other biomedical information and resources can be established. 

Key words:

">  , Biobank; Blood diseases; Living cells; Normalize