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Current Issue

2017 5, No.6 Date of publication: 20 November 2017

2017, (6): 425-428. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2017.06.005

Objective To find the histopathological features of chronic rejection by analyzing the histological data of liver biopsies from patients after allograft liver transplantation. Methods Histopathological data of 16 patients were collected retrospectively,who underwent hepatic puncture biopsy due to chronic rejection between January 2015 to 2016 in pathology department of the Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University. Pathological analysis was performed after HE staining and immunohistochemical staining. Results Data of 16 livetransplant patients was analyzed,including 14 male and 2 female patients ;The average age was 44.75±8.98 ;The diagnoses were hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis in 3 patients,hepatic malignancy in 7 patients,chronic severe hepatitis B in 5 patient and alcoholic cirrhosis in 1 patient. The common pathological changes by chronic rejection include injury,reduction or disappearance of interlobular bile ducts,necrotic inflammation in central lobular,and inflammatory cells infiltration in the portal area. The less common pathological features include damage of interlobular artery,degeneration and necrosis of hepatic cells,cholestasis,hyperplasia of Kupffer cells,and proliferation of fibrous tissues in portal areas. Conclusion The damage and number decreases in interlobular bile ducts are common and important pathological characteristics of chronic rejection. The patterns of pathologic changes for chronic rejection were overlapped with other diseases after liver transplantation. Clinical,laboratory and imaging examinations should also be taken into consideration,when making a phathological diagnosis.

2017, (6): 429-435.

Objective To summarize and analyze the treatment and prognosis of BK virus nephropathy (BKVN)after renal transplantation. Methods The clinical data of 101 patients with polyoma virusnephropathy(PVN) who underwent transplantation renal biopsy between January 2006 and October 2016 in the organ transplantation section of The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University were retrospective analyzed. Urinary sediment Decory cells were quantitated. The DNA loads in blood and urine were detected. Results A total number of 101 PVN patients were enrolled. Ninety-eight patients of them were BKVN. The virus particles of the tubular epithelial cells in the nucleus could be observed by electron microscopy. Forty of the ninety-eight patients showed that SV40T staining changed from flake to focal with a decrease in viremid. BKVN patients could be combined with cellular and humoral rejection. Blood tests of BKVN DNA showed a positive predictive value of 30%-85% for BKVN. Persistently positive of BKV DNA in plasma which is greater than 104 copies/ml,can be regarded as a indication for intervention. Conclusion Routine monitoring after transplantation,early diagnosis of BKVN, timely reduction of immunosuppression and then frequent screening for the possible rejection can improve the long-term survival of kidney allograft of BKVN patients.

2017, (6): 436-439.

Objective To clear the pathological characteristics of various complications following liver transplantation in a series of samples. Methods The clinical data of 34 patients were collected,who underwent allogeneic liver transplantation between July 2011 to August 2017 in Liver transplantation center,The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University. The biopsy tissues were stained by HE method. Masson trichrom staining and immunohistochemical staining were performed in part of samples.Histological patterns were observed,and complications were determined. Results A total number of 33 liver-transplant patients were studied,including 28 male and 5 female. The average age was 42.3±12.9. One patient underwent the liver biopsy for two times. The diagnoses were as following :HBV-related hepatocirrhosis in 13 cases,HCV-related hepatocirrhosis in 2 cases, alcoholic liver cirrhosis in 4 cases,cryptogenic cirrhosis in 1 case,hepatitis B with hepatocellular carcinoma in 8 cases,hepatolenticular degeneration in 2 cases,primary biliary cirrhosis in 1 case,biliary atresia in 1 case and congenital hepatic fibrosis in 1 case. Among of them,ischemia-reperfusion injury(2 episodes,5.9%),Acute cellular rejection(15 episodes,44.1%),biliary tract complication(4 episodes,11.8%),drug toxicity(12 episodes,35.3%) and primary graft non-function(1 episodes,2.9%)were found. Conclusion Liver biopsy plays an important role in the diagnosis of the complications following liver transplantation.

2017, (6): 440-443.

Objective To clear the applicable value of standardized protocols of sampling in organ transplantation which were established to obtain high quality samples. Methods From September 2014 to September 2016, samples in the Tianjin First Center Hospital biobank were studied, which were obtained and stored following the protocols of International Association of Environmental and Biological Samples(ISBER)and China Biosafety Society. Paraffin tumor sections from 200 patients who underwent liver transplant were studied. Tumor necrosis was assessed by HE staining. DNAs/RNAs were extracted from tumor tissues, which were quantified by gel electrophoresis. Results A total of 200 samples were included in this study. Tumors Area ≥ 80% was found in 192(96%)samples. The A260 / A280 of RNAs in tissues was 1.9-2.0. Gel electrophoreses showed that the 28S and 18S bands were clear and no tailing, indicating that the RNA integrity was good. The A260 / A280 of DNA in tissues was 1.8-1.9, and electrophoreses of the DNA showed clear and no obvious degradation. Conclusion Standardized collection, management and preservation for samples from organ transplantation may contribute to establish high quality sample resources for studies of this field.

2017, (6): 444-447.

To provide references for the construction of biobank in China and for biobank that will apply for quality inspection. Statuses of biobanks in different provinces was studied. Various problems in the inspection of each biobank were analyzed respectively in five aspects,including,framework of organization,resources and safety, business management,information management and quality. The heterogeneities in the collection of bio-material and information,the operation and management of biobank were obvious in the early stages of the biobank construction. The Biobank Quality Inspection of Bioank Branch,China Medicinal Biotech Association had taken a key step in the accreditation of biobank in China. Summarization and discussion of problems found in the process of biobank quality inspection could be helpful for the improvements in capacities of biobanks,construction of standardization and management of the whole biobank industry. We hope that biobank quality Inspection will promote the development of Chinese biobank from building to unity.

2017, (6): 448-451.

Objective To understand the status of China's biobank through statistical analysis of data from investigation,to grasp the direction of development biobank in macro level, to integrate the resources of domestic biobank and to standardize biobank construction in China. Methods Carry out an investigation for 50 items in 6 aspects of biobank all over the country. The 6 aspects were financial support,organization personnel ,environment and facilities,information management system,process management and quality management. Results The types of organizations involved in this research are mainly state-owned enterprises,universities,research institutes, enterprises and medical institutions. The medical institutions accounted for 92%. Conclusion Biobank developments are uneven in different regions. There are great differences between different biobanks such as capital investment,environment configuration and personnel arrangement. There will be a long way to go for the construction of standard China's biobank.