Practical Journal of Organ Transplantation(Electronic Version) ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 539-542.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2024.06.011

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Preliminary experience in the construction and application of a digital health management system for the wholelifecycle of organ transplant recipients 

Li Zhixia 1 ,Zhang Qian 1 ,Zhang Dianying 2 ,Zhang Bao 1 ,Zheng Yujian 1 ,Ji Ru 1 ,Chen Jianxiong 1 ,Wang Shaoping 1 ,Huo Feng 1 .    

  1. 1. General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,GuangDong Guangzhou 510010,China ;

    2.The Special Fund Office on Transplant Health Management of China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation,GuangDong Guangzhou 510010 China.

  • Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-20


李智霞 1 ,张茜 1 ,张殿英 2 ,张宝 1 ,郑于剑 1 ,季茹 1 ,陈建雄 1 ,汪邵平 1 ,霍枫 1    

  1. 1. 南部战区总医院普通外科肝胆病区,广东 广州 510010 ;

    2. 中国器官移植发展基金会移植健康管理专项基金办公室,广东 广州 510010 

  • 基金资助:




Objective To establish a digital health management system for the full life cycle of organ transplant recipients (SWOR and to summarize the trial experience with SWOR. Methods SWOR was built using a smartphone app and a WeChat mini-program. It consists of modules for medical procedures,daily health metrics,test results,imaging reports,medication plans,and doctor-patient communication. Recipients input relevant information through the patient interface,while the follow-up team uses the physician interface to randomly select recipients and review their data,including time-series data curves generated from these modules. Results Between March 2019 and May 2024,1 730 organ transplant recipients participated in the trial comprising 1 235 males and 477 females,with 1 648 adult and 82 pediatric recipients. The trial included recipients of all organ transplant types :liver57.5%),kidney28.2%),lung6.13%),heart2.83%),pancreas0.17%),small intestine0.06%),and combined transplants5.14%). Randomly extracted data from the SWOR system showedthat the module contents and follow-up indicators were effectively displayed,and the data was clearly represented intime-series curves. Conclusion This study provides preliminary evidence that SWOR offers a practical digital tool for managing the health of organ transplant recipients. 

Key words:

"> Organ transplantation , Life-cycle health management , Transplant health management , Organ transplant recipients, Digital health management


目的 搭建器官移植受者全生命周期数字化健康管理系统(the system for the whole life-cycle management of organ transplant recipient,SWOR),总结试用 SWOR 经验。 方法 利用智能手机应用程序(application,APP)和微信小程序,搭建包括诊疗过程、日常指标、检查结果、影像报告、用药方案和医患沟通等模块在内的 SWOR,器官移植受者通过受者端在上述模块录入相关内容,随访团队通过医生端随机选取器官移植受者查看上述模块录入的内容和有关数据时间曲线。 结果 2019 年 3 月至 2024 年 5 月,参与试用的器官移植受者共 1 730 例,其中男性 1 235 例,女性 477 例。成年受者 1 648 例,未成年受者 82 例。 参与试用的器官移植受者含括了所有器官移植类型,其中肝移植、肾移植、肺脏移植、心脏移植、胰腺移植、小肠移植和联合器官移植分别占比 57.5%28.2%6.13%2.83%0.17%0.06% 5.14%。自医生端随机抽取系统内器官移植受者进行查看,上述模块内容和随访指标均能很好的呈现,有关数据可呈现时间曲线。 结论 该研究初步证明了 SWOR 可以为器官移植受者提供较为实用的数字化健康管理。


器官移植 , 全生命周期健康管理 , 移植健康管理 , 器官移植受者 , 数字化健康管理