实用器官移植电子杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 236-238.

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胡正斌 1 ,周鑫 1 ,仲福顺 1 ,熊艳 1 ,叶啟发 1,2

  • 出版日期:2016-07-20 发布日期:2021-06-24

Diet guidance for patients undergoing follow-up after liver transplantation

  • Online:2016-07-20 Published:2021-06-24


目的 总结肝移植术后随访患者的饮食指导。方法 82 例肝移植术后随访患者进行饮食指导,饮食原则以低盐、低糖、低脂肪、高维生素和适量的优质蛋白(动物蛋白)为主,少食多餐。通过运动与饮食,将体重的增长水平控制在移植前体重的 10 kg 以内。结果 随访患者的生活质量得到明显的提高,体重的增长均控制在 10 kg 以内,免疫抑制剂的血药浓度均在相对较为理想的范围内。结论 有效的健康教育及正确的饮食指导,有助于维持肝移植术后随访患者的身心健康,降低患者的感染率,减少并发症,保护移植肝功能,是肝移植术后的重要治疗部分。


Objective To summarize the dietary guidance for patients who are undergoing follow-up afterliver transplantation. Methods Dietary guidance were conducted in a total of 82 cases of liver transplantationpatients with postoperative follow-up dietary guidance,diet principle is the low salt,low sugar,low fat,high vitamin and right amount of high-quality protein(animal protein),eating little but often throughout the day. Through the exercise along with that kind of diet,the increasing range of weight should be controlled within10 kg. Results The quality of life of patients undergoing follow-up has greatly been improved,the increasing range of weight were controlled within 10 kg and the blood concentrations of immunosuppressants were within the relatively ideal scope. Conclusion The effective health education and the right dietary guidance,which help maintain the physical and mental health of patients who are undergoing follow-up after liver transplantation,reduce the rates of patients' infection and complications and protect the function of transplanted livers are important parts of the treatment after liver transplantation.