Practical Journal of Organ Transplantation(Electronic Version) ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 498-503.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2024.06.004

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Construction of normothermic machine perfusion model of splitting diseased liver after liver transplantation 

Li Jingya,Li Jiahao,Dan Jia,Zhao Qiang,He Xiaoshun.   

  1. Organ Transplant Center,The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangdong Guangzhou 510080 ,China.

  • Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-11-20



  1. 中山大学附属第一医院器官移植中心,广东 广州 510080 

  • 基金资助:



Objective To develop a human liver splitting model with disease using normothermicmachine perfusion. Methods A liver from a liver transplant patient with acute-on-chronic liver failure and hepatitis B cirrhosis was split into left and right lobes,and the hepatic artery and portal vein of each half were respectively connected to two separate perfusion system for normothermic machine perfusion. Pressure and flow were continuously monitored during perfusion,and perfusate samples were collected for blood-gas analysis toassess the function of the diseased liver. Results Both lobes of the graft were successfully perfused in vitro for 16 h. Throughout this period,the pressure,flow,and other parameters of perfusion remained stable. The blood-gas analysis results of the perfusate were maintained within the physiological range. Conclusion We have successfully established a splitting perfusion model of diseased liver after liver transplantation that mimics human physiological and pathological conditions. This model allows for the detailed study of liver function under conditions that closelyapproximate human physiology. 

Key words:

"> Liver transplantation Diseased organ model Normothermic machine perfusion Organ medicine Liver splitting


目的 利用常温机械灌注技术,建立人类肝移植后疾病肝脏的劈离灌注模型。 方法 1 例患有慢加急性肝衰竭及乙型肝炎肝硬化的肝移植患者的肝脏劈离为左半肝和右半肝,并将左右移植物的肝动脉和门静脉分别连接至两台不同的灌注机械进行常温机械灌注。持续监测灌注过程中的压力、流量,并收集灌注液样品进行血气分析,评估疾病肝脏的功能。 结果 左右两侧移植物均成功进行了 16 h 的离体灌注,期间灌注的压力、流速等各参数稳定,灌注液的血气分析结果维持在生理范围内。 结论 我们成功地建立了模拟人类病理生理状态下的肝移植后疾病肝脏的劈离灌注模型,能够在接近生理条件下研究疾病肝脏的功能。


肝移植 , 疾病器官模型 , 常温机械灌注 , 器官医学 , 肝脏劈离