Practical Journal of Organ Transplantation(Electronic Version) ›› 2016, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 79-82.

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Magnetic ring anastomosis of supra-hepatic vena cava:a novel technique for liver transplantation in rat


  • Online:2016-03-20 Published:2021-06-25




Objective To improve the technique of suprahepatic vena cava(SHVC)reconstruction in rat orthotopic liver transplantation,novel magnetic rings were designed and manufactured to facilitatereconstruction of SHVC and shorten the anhepatic time. Methods 120 adult male Wistar rats were randomlydivided into two groups :rings group(n 30),using magnetic rings for SHVC reconstruction ;suture group (n 30),7-0 prolene sutures were used for SHVC running anastomosis as control. Cuff techniques were used forportal vein and infrahepatic vena cava reconstruction as Kamada and Calne described. Results Compared with suture group,SHVC reconstruction time,anhepatic phase and recipient operation time were significantly decreased inrings group〔SHVC reconstruction time(min):0.91±0.24 vs. 10.4±2.11,anhepatic phase time(min):5.63±0.65 vs. 17.76±2.51,recipient operation time(min):36.02±8.02 vs. 49.38±12.06,all P < 0.05〕. In the rings group,29 rats survived for 7 days and 28 rats survived for 30 days. In contrast,only 25 recipients in suture group remained alive for 7 days and 22 survived for more than 30 days(P < 0.05). Conclusion Better anastomotic healing was founded in rings group by pathology and electron microscope scan. The magnetic rings technique provides a novel,simple method for SHVC reconstruction of orthotopic liver transplantation(OLT)in rat. It significantly shortens anhepatic phase,while the success rate of the operation is satisfactory


目的 为改进大鼠肝上下腔静脉(SHVC)重建技术,缩短无肝期时间,提高肝移植存活率,研发微型快速对接磁环。方法 120 只雄性 Wistar 大鼠被随机分为两组,磁环组(n 30),使用磁环进行SHVC 重建 ;缝线组(n 30)使用 7-0 血管线连续缝合做 SHVC 重建。两组肝下下腔静脉及门静脉均选择 Kamada 双袖套法进行重建。结果 磁环组大鼠 SHVC 重建时间、无肝期及手术时间均较缝线组显著减少〔肝上下腔静脉重建时间(分钟):0.91±0.24 比 10.4±2.11,无肝期时间(分钟):5.63±0.65 比 17.76±2.51,手术时间(分钟):36.02±8.02 比 49.38±12.06,均 P 0.05〕。磁环组 30 只受体大鼠中 29 只存活超过 7 天,28 只存活超过 30 天 ;缝线组 30 只受体大鼠中 25 只存活时间超过 7 天,22 只存活超过 30 天(P 0.05)。结论 肝上吻合口病理及电镜扫描均提示磁环组肝上吻合口愈合良好。微型磁环快速重建技术,为大鼠肝移植术中肝上下腔静脉重建提供一种新型、简单稳定的方式,明显缩短无肝期,提高手术成功率,降低手术难度。