DCD 供肾移植术后1 年内受者移植肾丢失原因分析(附50 例临床报道)
李超, 柏宏伟, 石炳毅, 李钢, 解俊杰, 谢晓媚, 张杉杉, 刘炎忠
Analysis of the causes of transplanted kidney loss in recipients within 1 year after DCD donor kidney transplantation( 50 clinical reports attached)
Li Chao, Bai Hongwei, Shi Bingyi, Li Gang, Xie Junjie, Xie Xiaomei, Zhang Shanshan, Liu Yanzhong.
实用器官移植电子杂志 . 2020, (6): 446 -450 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5332.2020.06.008